The Tuesday Ten was delayed by improv. Wait, what?
1. I would do this (via Found Shit.)
2. Get it! It's like that Twilight Zone episode.
3. It's always nice to see someone's wishes come true.
4. This is from Shit My Students Write:
Mac vs. PC
PC is a old gay, who wears traditional and formal. Mac is a young gay, who looks modern and informal. On the other side, Mac is lighter than PC, because the old gay is fatter than young gay. In conclusion, APPLE used this form of comparison to show the benefits of Mac.
5. I like this idea:
6. Here's the 30 best TV tweets of 2011.
7. I particularly enjoyed the second of these Troubling Times.
8. What? A website dedicated to mashing up images of Ron Paul with quotes from "Parks and Recreation's" Ron Swanson? Take me to Ron Paul Swanson!
9. This is genius!
10. I would tell women not to date Archer but then I remember he only dates hookers. Oh, and he's a cartoon character.
That's all until next week when there's no way I'll get traded and my former employer will pay more than 80% of my salary. Or is there?
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