Tuesday, October 18, 2011

The Tuesday Ten for 10/18 - A Maze of Links

The Tuesday Ten took a week off due to lack of material. But we're back now to fulfill your clicking needs. These links promise not to leave while watching their son get beat up at a football game.

1. The real challenge is to see if someone could get lost in this one.

2. Brains are evil.

3. For some, this is still true.

4. You know I'm a sucker for ancient Indian burial ground references.

5. "Yeah, Ralph, I really think we're gonna need a sign for this."

6. A classic to help get us to 10 - not sure if my favorite is Pac Man is or Astley. 

7. Time for sports: who knew Springer was so inspiring?

8. I think this constitutes an emergency.

9. Video time - here's one of those Taiwanese videos. This one's about the Red Sox. Boy, the Babe was much more active as a ghost than he was alive.

10. Here's me being mean - I'm not sure what Kristen Schaal is here. Any ideas?

I always wondered how that happened. Please stay tuned for more inconsistent posting.

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