Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Tuesday Ten - Dictator Links

These links promise not rile up your local fan base while being facetious.

1. Not sure who's lazier, the caption writer or the person who decided the photo to accompany the article.

2. Seriously, what other thing do we buy that needs a "breaking in" period where that time frame causes pain.

3. 2 Lamebooks - yeah, I'm mature.

4. The second post's been making the rounds for a while but I enjoyed the third one. If you don't get it, listen to this.

5. This has made it to Facebook this week but that doesn't make it less funny. Be careful, it's a slide show.

6. I would very much like it if this was on every product. 

7. No one knows an apology like Ozzie.

8. Video time: Like Ken points out, it's all in the setup.

9. I liked the pitching machine line.

10. Emma Stone nailed it.

That's all for this week. Until next time when I'll be trying to use your product nicely.

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